Mail that you send is not in my mailbox.

You know we send you an e-mail and/or we said we have but you can't find it?

Sometimes a mail gets misplaced, so to speak.
Please check your inbox, your 'archived' folder and your spam folder first.

More often than not you will find it there and sometimes the spam folder is will be the culprit.


If you can't find the mail in your normal and spam mailboxes all may not be lost.

When you log in to your Clientarea, you can see an overview of the E-mails we send in recent months.
Take note, this does not include individual responses to tickets, as they will be in the ticket itself.

This archive often goes back many months.
The same goes for the tickets sections, this goes back many months.

Both will be 'trimmed' regularly to keep the systems running smoothly and quickly, so do not count on this as a permanent backup.

Last updated: 01/01/2024



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All information provided is copyrighted and purely informative in nature. It is maintained by Voyced with the greatest of care using reliable sources only.
Given the fast evolution of the telecom sector, Voyced does not offer any guarantee about the accuracy and completeness of the information offered. 
We explicitly do not give anyone permission to use this information in any other way than to inform themselves about what (legal) requirements there may be and they need to comply with when registering Services and/or DIDs with Voyced.

  • mail, mailbox, mail backup
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