Call Forwarding

The following is a brief explanation on how to set up call forwarding from on an account, if available for your account

Enable forwarding

Under the account, go to "Service Features" then go to "Incoming Calls" and select the type of forwarding mode from the dropdown box - there are

  • Call Forwarding: Unticking this box will disable all call forwarding rules entirely (max 99 forwards per number)
  • Follow-me: Enables options for ordered forwarding to a number of destinations
  • Simple Forwarding: A simplified type of forwarding where you specify a single phone number to which calls will be sent
  • Advanced Forwarding: Not available/usable, it has the same functionality as the Follow-Me.
  • Forward to SIP URI: Not available/usable.

We would always recommend using the Follow-Me option as this has the easiest setup and most control.

It is also worth experimenting with the "Default Answering Mode" field in the Incoming Calls tab.
Select a processing option that includes only those options that you use as this speeds up the call processing.

Adding forwarding rules

Once a forwarding mode has been set a new tab will appear to the right of the "Service Features" tab, which contains specific options for forwarding traffic from this account.
Select "Add" to create a new forwarding rule and fill out the required fields.

It is also possible to set active and inactive periods for the forwarding rules.

Setting active/inactive times

The wizard allows you to proceed through a number of steps that set the hours, days, dates, and months that the rule will be active.
Once completed the active period can be added to, reset or saved.

Tags: Call forwarding,call divert,call follow-me,call find me,call forwardign rules,call forwarding timing,selective call forwarding,times call forwarding

  • call follow-me, call find me, call forwardign rules, selective call forwarding, call forwarding timing, call divert, times call forwarding, Call forwarding
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