3. Have the problems started after updating firmware or replacing / adding devices?

Have the problems manifested themselves after changing or adding on of the following:

  • - a new Internet connection or changes in the network configuration?
  • - a new modem/router, firewall, switch, etc.?
  • - a firmware update of your modem-router, firewall, etc.?

In that case, please bear in mind that it's likely that these changes might be the reason for your malfunctioning phones.
Pinpoint where the issue starts by reducing the complexity of your network, for example, by switching off devices/computers and /or change back the changes that have been made.

Last updated: 01/01/2024



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Given the fast evolution of the telecom sector, Voyced does not offer any guarantee about the accuracy and completeness of the information offered. 
We explicitly do not give anyone permission to use this information in any other way than to inform themselves about what (legal) requirements there may be and they need to comply with when registering Services and/or DIDs with Voyced.

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