As a regulated entity within the EU, we are obligated to adhere strictly to Know Your Customer (KYC / eKYC) laws.
These regulations are designed to prevent fraud and ensure that all transactions and requests are conducted by duly authorized individuals.
To comply with these regulations, we must verify the identity of the requester in two critical situations:
**At the Start of Our Contract: **
Verification is mandatory with your first order.
This process ensures that an authorized individual, not a company entity, initiates the contract.
Without this verification, we are unable to proceed. -
**For Service-Affecting Requests: **
This includes actions like service terminations, where the consequences are irreversible, leading to the permanent loss of numbers/services.
For more information on these laws & regulations, see:
Last updated: 01/03/2024
© Voyced
All information provided is copyrighted and purely informative in nature. It is maintained by Voyced with the greatest of care using reliable sources only.
Given the fast evolution of the telecom sector, Voyced does not offer any guarantee about the accuracy and completeness of the information offered.
We explicitly do not give anyone permission to use this information in any other way than to inform themselves about what (legal) requirements there may be and they need to comply with when registering Services and/or DIDs with Voyced.