צפייה במאמרים שסומנו 'Customer Self Service Portal'

 1. Dashboard Overview - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The Dashboard shows you a general overview of the client account details.You will see this once...

 2. Customer General profile - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page shows you yours (client) details as they are entered in the IPPBX.All information shown...

 2. Customer profile Settings - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

On this page you can see what time zone has been set and what language is selected for the Web...

 2. Customer Change Password - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This is the page to change the password that you're using to log into the IPPBX.We recommend to...

 3. Customer IP Centrex General Overview - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

On this page you can set the Extension Number length. We recommend to set this to a minimum...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Extensions - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This where you can see, add and maintain your extensions making it quicker an easier to dial one...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Sites - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This is an informational page and, if available, will show you what this site is called and some...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Phonelines - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

On the page called Phone Lies you can see all the telephone numbers / DID's that belong to this...

 3. Customer IP Centrex External Numbers - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is for informational purposes only.Tags: Customer Self-Service Portal,IP...

 3. Customer IPcentrex Abbreviated Dialing - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The abbreviated dialling page you let you set shorter number to other phone numbers. Any...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Dialing Rules - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The Dialling Rules page makes it possible to set a certain set of dialling rules that all...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Incoming Calls - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

In this, incoming calls, page you can set a few option. If you switch the Ext-to-Ext Distinctive...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Incoming Calls - Call Parking - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

Call parking makes it possible to 'park' a telephone conversation. Once a conversation is parked,...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Outgoing Calls - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is informational in nature.Tags: Customer Self-Service Portal,IP Centrex,outgoing calls

 3. Customer IP Centrex Call Recording - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The Call Recording page is informational in nature.Standard Call Recording is an optional extra....

 3. Customer IP Centrex Huntgroups - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

With Huntgroups you can create a special 'number' to which you connect multiple extensions...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Identity - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

On the identity page you can set the option of hiding your CLI also know as your number. This is...

 3. Customer IP Centrex Music On Hold - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The Music On Hold page will let you upload your own music clip for people that are on Hold or in...

 4. Customer Billing Information Summary - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

Summary page of Billing information is informational in nature. It will show you the current...

 4. Customer Billing Information General - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The Billing Information general page shows the VAT number that is entered into the IPPBX, but as...

 4. Customer Billing Information Subscriptions - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is informational in nature as all these details are maintained in the website client...

 4. Customer Billing Information Line Subscriptions - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is informational in nature as all these details are maintained in the website client...

 4. Customer Billing Information Transactions - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The transactions page will let you search within all transactions that are related to this client...

 4. Customer Billing Information Transactions - Searched Overview - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The results page of the search transactions page will show you the results of the search you have...

 4. Customer Billing Information Volume Discounts - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is informational in nature. Tags: Customer Self-Service Portal,Billing...

 4. Customer Billing Information Invoices - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

The name of this page is a little misleading as all invoicing is actually done in the website...

 4. Customer Billing Information Make Payment - Voyced Aqua Webinterface

This page is informational in nature as all these details are maintained in the website client...