What does the Auto TopUp function do?
It does 2 related things:
1) You can set at what level you want the system to send you the initial notification that your Call Credit Balance is running low.
2) You can set at what level the set TopUp will be charged to your credit card and added to your Call Credit Balance.
Why does it need a valid Credit Card on file?
For an Auto TopUp to work we require a valid credit card on file and set as default payment method.
This is purely because it needs to be a reliable, live and direct payment method so that we can process and add it to your account Before you run out.
How do I set this?
Log in to your Clientarea and if the Auto TopUp function has been released for you, you will see it in the ‘Services’ drop down menu.
When you arrive at that page, clear instructions on what it does and how to set it are displayed.
Do not forget to Save your choices!
Last updated: 01/02/2024
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