You try to call a number and you don't get connected but instead, you hear:
'This call is not covered by your tariff plan'?
Why does this happen?
Usually, this will mean you are trying to call a number our system can not recognise.
The most common cause for this is an incorrect/incomplete/too short (or actually a number that is too long) and can therefore not be matched to any destination of the 478066 areas in the world that the system knows about.
What can I do to fix this?
Check the number you are trying to call is indeed correct and that you are dialing it ok.
The most common mistakes we see in this situation:
- trying to call abroad but forgetting the leading 00
- trying to call abroad and forgetting the leading 00 + the country code
- trying to call but forgetting a few digits
- trying to call but mixing some digits up
- etc
The best thing to do is to check the number you are trying to call.
You can always dial any number in the full international format, just to see if that does work?!
If all is correct so the call should work but still doesn't, please start a Technical Issue ticket and we'll look into the case asap
Last updated: 01/01/2024
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