Ny Sag
Hvis du ikke kan finde en løsning på dit problem i vores vidensbase, kan du indsende en billet ved at vælge den relevante afdeling nedenfor.
Sørg venligst for at vælge den rigtige afdeling og at give så meget information som muligt (information i tekst hvor det er muligt), da dette vil fremskynde vores undersøgelsesproces og dermed løsningstiden.
Voyced Sales Departement
Client missing product/service/function request
This is not for support or quote requests but a way for you, our Client, to have a say about our mutual future. This option is only to request certain products, services and/or functions that you are missing from our genefal offering at this time (or, at least you can not find them) and is therefore for general use only. Any sales, account or technical issue related questions etc, please use the correct departments as they are processed much quicker.