Dear Customer,

We would like you to know about the following planned maintenance window.

Service Affected: Server: Administration Server

Impact: Major Impact

Start Date: Saturday, 6th September 2014, 01:00 PM (GMT)

End Date: Saturday, 6th September 2014, 03:00 PM (GMT)

Status Report: Service Status

Regular and planned (security) maintenance of the Client area and the administration server will be carried out.
Several software updates will be done and extra services added to continually create a safe and trustworthy environment for our clients and us.
The Client area and Administration interface will not be available during this maintenance window, but the lack of availability will be kept to the bare minimum.

All Voyced telephony services will be unaffected by this maintenance work.

We apologies for the inconvenience that this may cause and if there are any questions, please contact our technical support team.

Kindest Regards
Support team

As we started on the upgrades we noticed some items that might create issues. We stopped the upgrade to further investigate before continuing.
We will reschedule the upgarde for later on this week.

Update Thursday the 11th of September @ 5:45 pm:
As we had tested the new upgrade procedure and didn't come across any issues we have implemented the upgrade this afternoon. Downtime was kept to an absolute minimum and our clients probably haven't even noticed. If you did come across the 'Down for maintenance' message, we do apologize for any inconvenience caused.
All is working well and we'll be implementing a few new options to the system during the next couple of days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding

The Voyced Team

Thursday, September 4, 2014

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