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In today’s fast-paced world, communication is key to staying connected with customers and running a smooth business operation. While traditional phone systems have been the norm for years, virtual telephone numbers, powered by cloud-based phone systems, are quickly becoming the preferred choice for businesses of all sizes. But what’s the difference, and which is the better option for your business?

This article breaks down the key differences between virtual telephone numbers and traditional phone systems in a simple, easy-to-understand way. Let’s dive into the comparison so you can make the best decision for your communication needs.

What Are Virtual Telephone Numbers?

Virtual telephone numbers are phone numbers that aren’t tied to a specific physical phone line or location. Instead, they rely on internet-based technology known as a cloud-based phone system to manage and route calls. These numbers can be used on any device that connects to the internet, whether it’s your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer.

With services like Voyced, which specialises in virtual numbers, you can access these numbers worldwide. This gives businesses the freedom to operate from anywhere without losing the personal touch of a local phone number.

What Are Traditional Phone Systems?

Traditional phone systems use physical phone lines to connect calls. These systems, often referred to as landlines, rely on an infrastructure of cables and switches that have been in place for decades. They’re usually installed in offices or business premises, and calls are made or received from fixed devices, like desk phones.

While traditional systems are reliable and have been around for a long time, they lack the flexibility and convenience of newer communication methods.

Key Differences Between Virtual Telephone Numbers and Traditional Phone Systems

Now that we’ve explained what each system is, let’s compare them in detail.

1. Flexibility and Mobility

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    One of the biggest advantages of using cloud-based phone systems is the flexibility they offer. Virtual numbers can be used from any location, so long as you have an internet connection. Whether you’re travelling for business or working from home, you can stay connected with your clients.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    These systems are tied to a specific location, making it difficult to use them when you’re on the go. You can only make or receive calls from the physical phone where the system is installed.


Virtual telephone numbers win in terms of flexibility. They allow businesses to work remotely without sacrificing communication quality.

2. Scalability

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    Cloud-based phone systems are designed to grow with your business. Adding new numbers or users is as simple as making a request to your provider. For example, Voyced offers services in over 145 countries, so expanding your business internationally is hassle-free.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    Expanding a traditional system often requires installing new lines or purchasing additional equipment. This process can be time-consuming and costly, particularly if you’re growing quickly or opening new offices.


Cloud-based systems offer far greater scalability, allowing businesses to expand without worrying about technical limitations.

3. Reliability and Call Quality

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    With advancements in internet technology, cloud-based phone systems provide excellent call quality. Services like Voyced ensure clear and reliable communication, offering the same (if not better) call clarity than traditional systems. The main consideration is having a stable internet connection, which is critical for ensuring call quality.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    Traditional landlines are known for their reliability, especially in areas with spotty internet connections. Because they don’t rely on the internet, they may be more stable in regions with less dependable network coverage.


Both systems offer good reliability, but your choice will depend on your internet connection. If you have a solid and fast internet service, virtual numbers provide the added benefits of flexibility and scalability.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    While we won’t dwell too much on price, it’s worth noting that cloud-based systems often offer more cost-effective solutions. Since virtual numbers don’t require expensive hardware or installation, they can save businesses a lot of money on set-up and maintenance. Companies like Voyced also offer personalised packages, meaning you only pay for what you need.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    Landlines typically come with higher initial costs, especially if new hardware needs to be installed. Maintenance fees can also add up, particularly if your business requires frequent repairs or upgrades.


While both systems come with costs, virtual numbers tend to offer better value over the long term due to lower maintenance and infrastructure requirements.

5. Global Reach

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    Cloud-based phone systems offer the ability to choose numbers from almost any country, which is a huge advantage for businesses with an international presence. With Voyced’s extensive coverage, you can get virtual numbers from across the globe, making it easier to serve international clients or expand into new markets.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    Setting up international phone lines with traditional systems can be a complex and expensive process. Most businesses would need to set up a physical presence in the new location or navigate complicated infrastructure requirements.


Virtual telephone numbers are the clear winner when it comes to global reach. They provide easy access to international markets without the need for physical offices or extensive setup.

6. Ease of Installation

  • Virtual Telephone Numbers:
    Cloud-based phone systems are incredibly easy to set up. With Voyced, for example, you can be up and running in no time, as there’s no need to install hardware or deal with complex installations. It’s as simple as choosing your virtual number and getting started.
  • Traditional Phone Systems:
    Setting up traditional phone systems usually involves bringing in technicians to install physical phone lines and devices. This process can be time-consuming and disruptive, especially for businesses that can’t afford downtime.


Virtual telephone numbers offer a quicker and easier setup, making them ideal for businesses that need a fast, seamless solution.

Which Is Right for Your Business?

Both virtual telephone numbers and traditional phone systems have their strengths, but for most modern businesses, cloud-based phone systems offer clear advantages. They provide the flexibility, scalability, and global reach that businesses need in today’s digital age.

Voyced offers a range of cloud-based solutions, designed to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes. With high-quality call services, a global presence, and unmatched customer support, it’s no surprise that more and more companies are making the switch to virtual telephone numbers.

Conclusion: Time to Make the Switch?

If your business values flexibility, scalability, and the ability to operate globally, a cloud-based phone system with virtual telephone numbers is the way forward. Services like those provided by Voyced ensure that your communication needs are met with reliable, top-quality solutions, so you can focus on what matters most—growing your business.

Make the switch today and experience the benefits of modern communication!