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New product: Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN)

The first Big News item of this week, as promised, is about a totally new service called Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) or in other words, having the very same Toll Free numbers in all the countries you need them in. This makes communication much clearer is it’s the same Toll Free subscriber number to advertise.

In how many countries is UIFN available?

In the coming weeks we will be adding all countries that participate to our portfolio which means that all 60+ countries will be available. And we will add any countries that will join the UIFN system as they become available.

What are the cost of UIFN?

The costs break down in 2 parts. To set the UIFN up there is a one-time setup fee which will create the UIFN instance, so to speak. At this point at least 2 countries should be added, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

For each and every country that gets added to your UIFN instance there is a one-time setup charge and a monthly subscription fee. As with any Toll Free number, each country DID will also have a cost per minute for incoming calls. Thats it.

For more information and a Quote, get in touch with us now.

Explain that Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN)  to me please.

A Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) is a worldwide toll-free “800 number” issued by the ITU. Like the 800 area code in the U.S. and Canada and 0800 numbers in many other countries, the call is free for the caller, and the receiver pays the charges. UIFN uses ITU country code 800, so that no matter where the caller is, only the international access code (IAC), the UIFN country code (800) and the 8-digit UIFN need to be dialed.

For more information, see our Knowledgebase article on UIFN