We are expanding our Toll Free / Freephone number coverage to over 40 countries!
As promised earlier this week, we have big news to share, so this is it! We are expanding our Toll Free / Freephone number coverage to over 40 countries and we will do so within the next few weeks already.
As you already know, we can supply you with DIDs / VoIP telephone numbers in over 60 countries already, but Toll Free / Freephone numbers was only available in a few countries up till now. As our clients increasingly realise, there is extra value in communicating a Toll Free number, even if it is just for certain call or departments. Depending on what country it is in, the code for a Toll Free number can be different, but in Europe, for example, 0800 is a much used code for this. Anyone that sees a number with a Toll Free number will realise realise realise is just that and will perceive this as an extra level of service given to them.
How does a Toll Free / Freephone number work?
The caller get charged as calling to a Toll Free number. This generally means they pay nothing (or very little, depending on the provider he uses for his calls) to the Toll Free number. You, as the user of that Toll Free number, get charged for the call, but only slightly more then when you would make the call to that client yourself. Do you see the benefit?! The only other thing that is charged is the subscription (and a one-time setup fee) for the freephone relevant number(s). It’s that easy.
The Toll Free / Freephone coverage that we are now planning to implement over the next few weeks is for the following countries:
Algeria |
Argentina |
Australia |
Austria |
Bahrain |
Belgium |
Brazil |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Chile |
China |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Croatia |
Cyprus |
Czech rep |
Denmark |
Dominican rep |
El Salvador |
Estonia |
Finland |
France |
Georgia |
Germany |
Greece |
Hong Kong |
Hungary |
Iceland |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
Japan |
Latvia |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Malaysia |
Malta |
Mexico |
Netherlands, the |
New Zealand |
Norway |
Panama |
Peru |
Poland |
Portugal |
Puerto Rico |
Romania |
Russian Fed |
Singapore |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
South Africa |
Spain |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Thailand |
Turkey |
Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
United States |
Venezuela |
India |
Indonesia |
Uruguay |