Creating more order in our ordering process
As you might have noticed, or will notice the next time that you see our ordering process, we have split the Telephone Number / DIDs section of our order form into the 5 separate geographical areas and therefor creating more order in our ordering process. We always use the following areas: Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. This way it should be much easier to find the telephone number / DID that you are looking for as the list in each area will be shorter then the 1 long list we used to have. Another change we decided to make is to display the lists in alphabetical order for quicker and easier scanning and locating what you are searching for. This is the feedback we got from you, our clients, as being your preferred method of getting the data presented.
Exciting and big new products news in the coming days
One of the other reasons that we are also reinventing the way we present you all these options and products is because there will some very exciting and big new products news in the coming days. Making this change will mean that we will now have the space and overview that will make sure that you can find what you are looking for even easier.